
Showing posts from September, 2024

Abraham's Intercessory Prayer...Genesis 18:16-33

Opening worship song we have been enjoying! Here is a video we watched to introduce praying on behalf of others...Intercessory prayers. If you missed, here ya go! Our story of Abraham!   Our first activity was super fun...and delicious.   We had colored slips of paper with instructions on who to pray for.   Once we prayed for that person we got to eat an M & M that matched the color of the font on the instructions.  :) Thanks Emma for being our Acolyte! Crenshaw Kids in worship together! I need to make an appointment!   These girls are serious and super talented in braiding!   Thank you Ryker for bringing a friend to church today!     Love to you Caroline!   Hope you come again! Pastor Steve loves us! Kenston Forest Celebrated the Senior Class and the future Senior Class of 2038!    Pastor Steve and Miss Alice loved seeing some of our Crenshaw Kids today during your first chapel of the year.   We look forward to watching all our Crenshaw Kids shine with special events and sports th

Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord-The Tax Collector's prayer....Luke 18:9-14

  Crenshaw Kids always start our day with music and pledges and offering.    Today our offering time was a little different as we closed our eyes and when tapped on the shoulder we placed our offerings to God without anyone else watching.    This led us to our story today of the pharisee and the tax collector.   The pharisee prayed loud and proud and the tax collector came before God with quiet and humble words.   What can we learn from him? Thank you to Caroline and Clay for always being willing to volunteer to help our story come to life.    Clay played the part of the loud and proud pharisee and Caroline the humble tax collector.    Dr. Horn always makes our learning fun! It is fun to be at church! Our activity today was painting a humility garden!    Everyone had to paint the flowers that had words that would be humble instead of boastful.      I hope that we can all remember that God wants us to be humble and not bragging or unkind to others. It takes practice and reminders! Even