Picked up a good book lately?
Hi Crenshaw Kids! Have you noticed in the summertime when you are at the pool or the beach lots of adults are sitting, relaxing and reading? At this very moment, as I am writing these words to you I am sitting on the beach beside my daughter Savannah and she is reading a book! I hear her giggle from time to time or say something like “wow” or “oh no”. I can imagine that she is reading something exciting. 😁 This week May’s mom sent me this picture of her reading the Bible Crenshaw gave her on Easter. She is sitting and relaxing and reading. The Bible is full of amazing stories and adventures of people who lived long ago. This picture of May challenges me to sit and relax and read! When I packed my bag for the beach this week, I packed a few magazines. I have food ones and home decorating ones and a beach cottage one. These magazines are the same ones I put in from last year! Ha ha. I can read them over and over and...