Freedom in the USA! Freedom in Christ!

Happy 4th Week from these cuties!
Can't wait to have everyone back together again!   Hope that everyone had a wonderful week celebrating the birthday of the USA!
245 years old!   Seems old, but so young.   :)

Miss Alice celebrated with Miss Savannah and her mom and dad!   It was a fun time of fellowship with music, a parade, good food and fireworks!  Can't wait to hear all about your celebrations!

Our lesson on July 3rd was a story about a group of people called the Israelites.  These people were not free.   They were being ruled by a man named Pharaoh.   We have talked about him before.   This story is in the book of Exodus.   Do you remember where this book is in the bible?   Old or New Testament?   

It is right after Genesis.   So?   Old or New
OLD!   :)

In the story:

  • God saves His people and makes them free.
  • God wants us to have a soft heart and obey him, not a hard heart like Pharaoh.
  • Pharaoh thought he was the most powerful, but he learned God is the most powerful.
The story is kinda crazy.   Pharaoh is not letting the people go and God sends Moses (not the baby...the grown up Moses) to help them.   Here is what this:

Look forward to seeing some of you July 10!   Remember to come up to our new space on the top floor!
Love, Miss Alice


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