Focus! What's next? Jeremiah 29:11
We may not know what is next. But, God does! 2022 is coming to an end and 2023 here we go! Happy New Year! Do any of you have a New Year’s resolution? A resolution is something you try to do different than you did before. This is a little harder that this sounds. We say we will do something, but then we forget or we get too BUSY! For me, exercise has been a resolution. I will start out so strong and then....I get busy and.....tired. Here is a picture of one of the pages in my calendar from last year.... as you see on almost each day something was written. Here is a picture from a page in my 2023 calendar......not one mark on this one "yet". :) It looks like a lot of stuff was planned last year. Some plans are good but only for a short time, like a plan to eat less junk food. Every time I say "NO junk food", I am tempted by a potato chip! Some ...