Focus! What's next? Jeremiah 29:11


We may not know what is next.   But, God does!

2022 is coming to an end and 2023 here we go!   Happy New Year! 

Do any of you have a New Year’s resolution?   A resolution is something you try to do different than you did before.   This is a little harder that this sounds.    We say we will do something, but then we forget or we get too BUSY!   For me, exercise has been a resolution.   I will start out so strong and then....I get busy and.....tired.  

Here is a picture of one of the pages in my calendar from last year.... as you see on almost each day something was written.

Here is a picture from a page in my 2023 calendar......not one mark on this one "yet".  :)

It looks like a lot of stuff was planned last year.  Some plans are good but only for a short time, like a plan to eat less junk food.   Every time I say "NO junk food",  I am tempted by a potato chip!  Some plans are really important, like a plan that we set to be closer with God. Who can tell me some things you would like to do better this year to be closer to God?  How about.... Read your Bible?  Pray?  How about memorizing one verse every month?  Our verse of the month?    You can do that!  That’s only 12 verses in a year.   The Bible tells us to hide God’s words in our hearts so that we don’t sin against Him.  Who thinks that is important?  I sure do!

Look at the picture of the new year’s calendar again.   It’s empty!   I think it is important to plan, but not get too busy that I can't keep my promise to God.      God has plans for us too!   We don't want to miss those by being too busy!  

 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD.”    God wants to make our relationship with Him better, and he gives us hope in life and a when we trust in Jesus a future in Heaven with Him.

I am so glad God has plans for my future. And he has plans for each one of you. 

Can't wait to see ya in 2023.   I will not be at church on Sunday, but I have a great celebration planned for you and you will feel like a king for a day!!    AND....our lesson is the story of the three wisemen that came to see Jesus!   

Happy New Year!

Love, Miss Alice


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