A-Admit B-Believe C-Confess. The story of Nicodemus! How to have everlasting life??

Today Crenshaw Kids heard the story of Nicodemus!

If you missed this story you can find it in the book of John Chapter 3!

Main focus:   Doing good things is not enough to go to heaven.

Nicodemus obeyed the law but he needed more-He needed what Jesus came to give us-new life.

The New Birth is still available today!   Jesus said we must be born again to have everlasting life.

Pass the ball back and forth and recite our scripture of the month!
Ask a Crenshaw Kid to tell you what it says in 2 Corinthians 5:17!

"Monkey" is now Nicodemus!   Ha ha....last week Eve....this week new hair and a coat!     

Bentley is clapping his hands and praising the Lord!



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