Rise Against Hunger! What a great day at Crenshaw UMC for the teenagers in the district!



Driven by the vision of a world without hunger, Rise Against Hunger is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies.

Nourishing Lives

While communities work toward a future in which they can thrive, families and individuals facing hunger around the globe still have basic, immediate needs. That’s why Rise Against Hunger supports safety net programs that provide nourishment and encourage education through school feeding, vocational training and health clinics to support the difficult journey out of poverty.

Rise Against Hunger meals are provided in schools to encourage increased enrollment and attendance. For adults in community empowerment programs, the provision of meals offsets productive time lost while attending training sessions. Meals distributed in hospitals and clinics may support patients’ nutritional needs and complement their treatments.

Rise Against Hunger meals, packaged by volunteers, are designed to provide a comprehensive array of micronutrients. Rise Against Hunger meals include enriched rice, soy protein, dried vegetables and 20 essential vitamins and nutrients.

Here is a glimpse of Crenshaw hosted Rise Against Hunger for the United Methodist District yesterday!!!   It was a great day of fellowship and working together to serve others.

Stations were set up so that 4-6 youth could work together to meet the guidelines to fill bags for shipment to those in need of food.   Here is the filling station.

Branson is shown here "sealing the bags after they were filled and weighed.

The bags have to "weigh" a certain amount in order to be prepared correctly.   Here you see an example of the bag not weighing enough.   The bag had to have another scoop or two to meet the requirement.   Then it is passed over to the other side of the table for sealing.

No matter your age....you can help!   Thank you Raylynn!

Refilling the rice!

Learning about hunger.

Each bag needs a label...OVER 6000 bags were labeled and filled!

Jack, thank you for your help!


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