Passover...what is this celebration?

Crenshaw Kids will be starting a new tradition!    In Exodus we learn about the events that led to the first celebration.   How can we continue to "remember" and celebrate God's amazing love for us?   Each year we can hear the story of how God saved His people from the chains of Pharaoh and also be reminded that He sent His son Jesus to save us from the chains of sin.   This is just one of the lessons we will learn to get our minds ready for Easter.

Thank you to our worship leaders today!    Wes, Emilee, Vivian and Ava!

Thank you Ryker and Naomie for always being willing to come forward to pray over our offering. made a great Pharaoh...except you shouldn't have a smile on your face!   HA HA.  You are a mean leader.   :)
  Clay got into the character of Moses and he demanded Pharaoh let his people go!

L- God loves me.  
A-     God asks us to trust in Him.
M-   God makes a way to know Him
B-     God brings us to freedom.

During children's church we continued our celebration with a fun time of fellowship and food.   We talked about the different things that would be on a Passover Seder Plate and what it helps us remember.

Before we could eat....we talked about how the Israelites did not have yeast when leaving so quickly from Pharaoh.   When people celebrate today the bread is unleavened.   In Sunday school we made our own bread dough and discussed how they would cook on a hot rock in the open sun.   

For fun we "cleared" out all the "yeast" from our rooms.   I hid croutons all around the rooms and told them they needed to go and bag all the yeast and bring it back to me.   Such fun!

Next, we talked about our lesson last week about the Last Supper with Jesus and his disciples.   This meal together was a celebration of "Passover" but what the disciples did not know is that Jesus is now asking them to remember Him as the lamb who saves us all when He is sacrificed on the cross.

During our meal we referred back to the Israelites being freed and also constantly reminding the students of the significance of the lamb.   The lamb with blood over the doorposts and the Lamb on the cross.

It was a great learning experience.

Eastin's job was collecting all the bags of "yeast"/croutons.   :)

We are now ready for Palm Sunday!    Can't wait to see you all there waving those branches and singing Hosanna!!

Here are the two songs that will be sung in worship this week!   Make sure to go over them several times to be ready!   Especially if you have missed Crenshaw Kids in the past couple weeks.   :)



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