The story of Thomas. Jesus wants us to be live without seeing.

 Children are often trusting, but they sometimes have difficulty understanding what it means to believe things without seeing them. They don’t have a solid handle on abstract concepts and need to see and experience to fully comprehend. It’s important for faith teachers to communicate to kids that God is very real and loves us, even though we cannot see Him with our eyes or touch Him with our hands. This lesson explains to kids that we sometimes have to trust in God to fill in the gaps of what we don’t see or fully understand. We can believe in Christ and have faith in His promises, based on the Bible.


Our lesson explored the story of Thomas, which told events that took place after Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His disciples. Thomas was reluctant to believe in the truth of the resurrection without seeing Jesus himself, until he saw him with his own eyes. Jesus said that those who believe without sight are truly blessed, and that includes us today!  We don’t see the Lord physically, but trust that He is with us always!    

Ask a Crenshaw Kid about Thomas and what his nickname was and why!


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