Sweet Summertime! This week…The Rainbow Promise!
What was the covenant God made with Noah? (Not to destroy the earth by flood again: to be faithful and loving always) What was the symbol of the covenant? Rainbows appear in the sky after it has been raining. Next time you see a rainbow, let it remind you of God’s amazing love for you! Introduction to our lesson this past week! Miss it? No worries....watch this! Our scripture verse Thank you Avery, Daniel, Thomas and Viv for being our worship leaders this week! Crenshaw friends enjoying Sunday school!! Thank you to Dr. Horn and our teachers for an amazing time of learning and fun! God’s love for you is amazing and never-ending. God used the rainbow to symbolize the promise made to Noah and to us that God’s love will never end. This rainbow picture is so big that it wouldn’t fit on one page. We had to tape it together! God’s love for us is big too! Making noise and having fun in the house o...