Sweet Summertime! Noah study continues…"The Dove"/ PLUS...What is Miss Alice up to this summer part 1

June 11
 Crenshaw kids sang in 10:00 worship!   We were promoting our Snowie party.   In our Sunday school study we were hearing about Noah and how he chose two of every kind of animal. 

 Thank you Dr. Horn for making the story come to life each and every week!   Thank you to Miss Ashley and teachers who follow up with discussion and activities!    

The weather was amazing so during our children’s church time we headed out to the playground for fun and fellowship. 

JUNE 18-Father's Day and Noah story continues with "The Dove"

Wait, what?   Where are we?   You see this right...we are in the fellowship hall for the next few weeks.   We are getting new carpet!   How exciting.   Until the installation is complete, we will be in the fellowship hall.   Do not worry, all will be ready and waiting for us and the fun will not stop!

Scripture this week...Genesis 8:8

If you missed this Sunday...Watch this for a summary of our story...

Thank you Riley for helping with offering!

Brayden!!   You did an outstanding job on the computer today!   Thanks

Pledge helpers....Anne Paige, Raylynn and Will 

Dr. Horn talked to us about the enormous size of Noah's ark.  How in the world could this actually float?   She used clay and formed it and placed it into the water.   It sank.   Then she talked about how God gave Noah specific instructions on how he should build the ark.  AND THAT is why it floated.   Noah did not do this on his own.   He followed instructions specifically given by God.   

How can we find instructions on what God wants us to do?   Read the bible...we will find the answers with the examples of many who followed Him. We can apply these examples to our own life.

Our activity today reminds us of our story.   Younger students made a cut and paste dove.

Older students attempted an origami dove!   This video of "how to" was only 3 minutes long, but boy let me tell you it was a challenge!    It is harder than it looks.  If you missed Sunday, I am including the video for you to try at home with just one piece of paper!

Thank you to Sara Andrews and our youth for being our leaders for Children's church!   Another fun day in the beautiful sunshine!    I see balloons!   Yes, at least 100 balloons were used for a super exciting Children' church!

Father's Day was celebrated during 10:00 worship and the Astle and Bretz family created a card using candy bars to show how deserving dad's are on this special day!   Leftover candy was enjoyed by father's leaving church and even Miss Alice got to choose her favorites to enjoy!    I saved them until a few days later as I needed a snack on the beach!

This next part of the blog this week is a "show and tell" picture collage.   I would love to feature YOU over the summer months!    I will be asking permission to share some of your fun that I see on Facebook OR you can text me some fun pictures and let me know what you are up to during your break from school!   Can't wait!

Miss Alice Summer Part 1

Travels to my Mom and Dad's house for visits with their Great Grandson!    Fun and memories made!

A tradition since I was little and my kids growing up!    Whenever we visit, at bedtime we watch a little tv in bed.   They have a king bed and no matter how many we have or how old the kids get....we squeeze in!   This is Bentley's 3rd time for this fun time!   What is better than being spoiled with cozy cartoons, grandparents and cozy blankets.

Learning to garden with Great Papa!

"Papa, did I tell you I know how to make the four wheeler, the golf cart or the car 'go'"?   Don't let your foot off the brake!!!   HA HA.   Well, papa learned the hard way!    Bentley found the throttle!   Don't worry, it didn't run into anything...papa was quick to the brake!
               More chores to do....feed the birds!
More summer fun...."Pop...up, please".   Oh my...good thing there isn't anything to run into in the sky.   Bentley is off on another adventure!

Backseats are made for fun and making forts!

Rainy days at the beach?   No worries, Gigi will let you swim in the bathtub!

Shane and Mom playing backgammon!   I won!   Ha ha.  We bet if I won he had to run in the rain!   

    More fun!   Aquarium in Lynchburg....Seaquest!
                            And baking cookies!

Can't wait to see what you are all up to!   I hope it is filled with people you love and lots of making memories!  


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