
Showing posts from July, 2023

Sweet Summertime! Fruit of the Spirit Study continues with JOY week! The joy of the Lord is my strength! Nehemiah 8:10

Sunday school this past week focused on JOY!    If you were there, I hope that you have practiced being joyful this week!    If you missed, watch the videos on the blog this week and I challenge you to see joy in all things! Check out this video of kids in Africa and the joy that overflows in them!   Just click this blue link! After watching that video, here are a few questions to think about... Which of the things that we said make us happy were in the video? What were some things the kids experienced that seemed really hard? How do you think the kids in the orphanage were able to have joy even though they had hard lives? After watching this video, what do you think the difference is between happiness and joy? We don’t need to have everything we want to have joy. That’s because joy doesn’t come from what we have. Joy comes from God, ​and having a friendship with him. I do not have pictures from Sunday school this

Sweet summertime! Fruit of the Spirit study begins! Week #1 LOVE 1 John 4:19

                         Think of it, in a world filled with hatefulness, selfishness, and condemnation, I personally believe we can never tire of hearing of the love of God.  And, as Christians we constantly need to be on our toes; to be retaught over and over again the importance that we show that same love God gave to us to one another. The ugliness of this world’s characteristics DOES NOT have to infect us.  We can shine brighter above it all knowing that we are loved in a special way by Him.  With that knowledge, we too can return what we have received of Him to others. When we truly know how much God loves us, we can love others better. The new school year is quickly approaching.  We begin a study to refresh our minds on the fruits of the spirit so that we can shine a light as we start this 2023-24 journey! LOOK AT OUR FRESH NEW CARPET!    ISN'T IS BEAUTIFUL?     Thank you...

Sweet Summertime continues! God IS love. 1 John 4:8

  God loves us.   He wants us to come to Him and ask for forgiveness when we separate ourselves from Him when we do things we shouldn't do. During worship this week Crenshaw Kids presented "The Sin Chair".   It was a humorous but serious message that everyone was reminded that God covers our sin with His love for us . Check out these the progression of sinning, turning from God, turning toward Him and praying for forgiveness.   What a celebration!