Sweet summertime! Fruit of the Spirit study begins! Week #1 LOVE 1 John 4:19



Think of it, in a world filled with hatefulness, selfishness, and condemnation, I personally believe we can never tire of hearing of the love of God.  And, as Christians we constantly need to be on our toes; to be retaught over and over again the importance that we show that same love God gave to us to one another.

The ugliness of this world’s characteristics DOES NOT have to infect us.  We can shine brighter above it all knowing that we are loved in a special way by Him.  With that knowledge, we too can return what we have received of Him to others.

When we truly know how much God loves us, we can love others better.

The new school year is quickly approaching.  We begin a study to refresh our minds on the fruits of the spirit so that we can shine a light as we start this 2023-24 journey!

Thank you Crenshaw for loving us and spoiling us with this great space!    

We have rearranged rooms once again for GROWTH!

ALL of our children are now on the top floor!    The nursery area has been moved up so that we are all together!   The former room will be used for parents needing a quiet room to sooth an upset child, a changing area or a quiet play space.   Feel free to go there if you choose to keep your child in worship and need to take a break.   We will have a live feed of the service so that you can listen while letting your child play.  

Check out these pictures...
Kindergarten area

Opening worship area and 1st and 2nd grade activity space at the back.

Toddler room!    So much learning and fun will happen!
3rd-5th Grade Room

New nursery space!


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