Fruit of the Spirit…Kindness. (What comes out of our mouth matters!)

 There is the saying, “Stick and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  I find that statement the farthest from the truth.  Crenshaw Kids are learning to understand the gravity of their words and reminded to speak with kindness.

 Dr. Horn had a talk about the importance of words.  She talked about how you can say something, but once it’s heard the bad effects have already started to take place. We talked about what nice words look like and how they make us feel.  We also talked about how mean words might make us feel.

 By talking about how they would "feel", we can get to their hearts rather than just their behavior.

Next, Dr. Horn told them to start squeezing the toothpaste out of the tube. They had fun squirting it out!

The next part of the activity was to have them try to put it back in.    They knew right away they couldn’t put it back, but they tried. Of course, this was a blast but unsuccessful.

After that exercise, she talked to them about their words being similar.  Once your words come out of our mouth, you cannot stop what has been heard, and it can have really hurtful effects on the people around you.  You can ask for forgiveness, but those words can still have a lot of weight on people.
We concluded by coming up with some nice words to say to each other.

Continued practice of kindness in small groups.    We made kindness cards to give out during the week!


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