Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist!

 Crenshaw kids read the bible, pray, have fun and work on bible learning through craft activities!

Look at these sweet children of God!



Miss Gail played a fun game of "Riverbank" with our older group!    It was a fun game and reminded us of Jesus and John by the river bank as John baptized Jesus.

In our 2nd and 3rd grade group we used water colors to paint our river and the water baptizing Jesus.

Oh no!?    Bentley found some "snow"!    He decided it would be a good idea to have a snowball fight!   I did not think that was a fun activity!   HA HA.  Thanks to Indi, we got it cleaned up quickly!

The snow did not distract our littlest angels from their work!

Thank you Miss Gene for teaching us about John and Jesus!

Great helpers in the toddler area!    Thank you Madison for reading to Harrison and Eastin!

Hi girls!   Thank you Alaina for bringing a friend!!!

Mae volunteered to pray over our tithes and offerings!    Thank you!

Sweet pledges to our Holy Bible!   Thank you Emilee for volunteering to hold it so proudly!


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