John The Baptist

This week in Sunday School we met John the Baptist.

  • John came to prepare the way for Jesus. (Mark 1:3)

  • John knew it was about God and not Him. (John 3:30)

  • John taught that everyone should repent (Matthew 3:2) 

We talked about what "preparing" something is like.

 John had a very important job to do. His job was to prepare and make ready the way for Christ. 

We asked the children if they know what “prepare” means. 

Imagine a box of brownies. What needs to be done to “prepare” them brownies before they can be baked and enjoyed? We can't just rip open the bag and start eating the powdery chocolate mix??!! No, we need to add eggs and oil and water and stir.


The brownies will only be ready at the proper time when all the ingredients are assembled. Just like the ingredients, God selected a time and people to make ready the way for His Son.

How did John prepared the way for Christ. He preached sermons and told people that Jesus was coming. Pastor Nadeem preaches sermons in church.   Does he talk about himself, or cartoons, or Jesus.    Just like Pastor Nadeem, John’s job was to talk about Jesus not himself.   We, too, are called to talk about Jesus. How Jesus loves us and He wants us to know Him as a friend.

John preached about the need for repentance. Repentance is to be sorry for the wrong things we have done and to stop doing them. 

John was called John the Baptist because he baptized people.  Do you know what baptized means? You will after this coming Sunday!! Our lesson will be on Jesus being Baptism! See you then!


Miss Alice



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