Summer Sundays! Prayer series begins!

Hello Crenshaw Kids!   Summer time prayer series has begun!   This week in Sunday school we started with our first prayer lesson...the one God taught us to pray.   The Lord's Prayer

We looked at each line and talked about the meaning of it and why it is important to not just say these familiar words all willy nilly, but to know what it means and to pray from the heart and mind.
Enjoy this song that we will sing each week.  

Dr. Horn told us a joke that Tressie shared with her...Tressie said "Grammy, do you need a little Jesus?"   and Dr. Horn says "Yes, Tressie I do."    Tressie gave her a "little Jesus" and she now carries it in her pocket.  :).  I told Dr. Horn and the class that I also have a "little Jesus" and He rides with us in the airplane when we travel.   I was walking down the street one day and he was laying in the mulch on the side of the road!    HA HA....I picked him up and carry him with us.  

Dr. Horn and I decided to take him with us on summer adventures and I will post the pictures on our blog so you can see where we went!    Stay tuned!    Here is one picture of him riding in the clouds with us!   Scroll to the bottom of this blog for another!


Crenshaw Kids praising God for our offerings and standing in the need of prayer!

Our pledges...

If you missed our need to worry.   Each week in our summer months I will post a video that will keep you up to date in our series.
Watch this!

Our activity this week was alot of fun!    You can do this at home too!
Trace your hand and write the word prayer in the middle.   Then label your fingers like this: Praise, thanks, sorry, ask, others.    When you pray remember to praise, give thanks for all that He has blessed us with, ask to be forgiven for those things that disappoint Him, ask for healing or a blessing, and pray for others.
Next, draw lines anyway, any shape and then color them in with different colors.   Looks like stained glass!

Here He is again!    Miss Alice and Mr Joe took off after church Sunday.   I will miss you and pray for you and can't wait to hear all about summer adventures!   Don't forget, this week there is no Sunday school class.   Everyone reports to fellowship hall for 5th Sunday donuts and muffins etc!    

Up next....July 7 Hannah's Prayer


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