Summer Sundays-Abraham’s Servants Prayer

Prayer series continued!    

Miss this past Sunday?   

Catch up with our story by watching this videos and if you want more?   Click the link for the summary!

Check out our memories from our time together!    

I spy Pastor Steve with us!

Adult friends!   SUPER HEROES!

This week in Miss Alice's world.....Pop brought Bentley for a visit!    We had a blast!

Word of advice....don't catch Geckos and think they like it!   HA HA.  
Bentley was smiling here, but when the little friend bit him it wasn't fun!   

"Gigi....there is a Bentley it is an alligator."  I don't care what we call it...I will not go near that fella!

Bye guys!   Thanks for coming to see me!


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