Summer Sundays-Esther’s Prayer

What can we learn from Esther about prayer?

1. Prayer is the "first" response when we are scared or going through a difficult time.   Often times, it is not our first thought.   We want to tell a friend or be sad etc.

2. We can find courage through prayer.   It is ok to feel scared, and when we do we can always go to God and ask Him to help us.   God udnerstands our fears and is always ready to listen and give us the courage we need.

3.   Rely on Him in the tough times.   When things get tough, we can rely on Him to help us.   It's just like when we need help with a hard job.   We ask someone to help us.

Here is our bible story if ya want to read from Sunday...

Our bible verse activity reminds us to recognize the importance of God's timing in our lives.    We walked around a "clock" and the words to our verse were on clock positions and we said them outloud as we passed.   Slowly the words disappeared and we continued saying our scripture.

"For such a time is this."   Esther 4:14

Love those Olympic themed clothes!    I know Pastor Steve loved seeing you getting into the theme of worship!

I spy a King and Queen....Look at that sparkling crown!
Thank you Dr. Horn and Miss Gail for bringing the story alive!

Esther's balancing game!   Looks like a fun way to understand the personality of Esther!

Sweet little Camille watching and having a little snack!

Hi friends!    So good to see those smiles!


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