Summer Sundays! Hannah’s Prayer 1 Samuel 1:10-11
Today in worship and after, some of you met our new pastor. Pastor Steve will be fun to get to know! If you see him, be sure to say hi and welcome him to our church!
Here he is outside our room chatting with Mr. Don.
In his message on Sunday he said he was a little nervous. We can all relate to that! I get butterflies when I get nervous! How about you? Make sure you tell him that he doesn't need to be nervous around us.
Did you miss Sunday school Sunday? If so, here is a recap of our 2nd lesson on prayer! Hannah's prayer. Check it out here.
Hannah is a woman who wanted to have a child more than anything else in the world.
In her time so long ago, being unable to have children made her feel very sad and left out.
Hannah's deep sadness turned into a powerful prayer. She didn't keep her feelings inside but took them to God. She knew God cared about her and would listen to her heart's cry.
Like Hannah, it's okay to tell God about our deepest sadness or biggest wishes. God cares about our feelings, no matter what they are, and He wants us to talk to Him about everything in our hearts.
However we are feeling....happy, sad, angry, scared and at peace. 😀 😞 😡 😮 😶 We can ask God to help us. Remember He is a friend who is real! "Thanks God".
Here are some examples.
Happiness: "Thank you, God, for the good things in my life. Help me to share this happiness with others."
Sadness: "God, I feel sad right now. Please comfort me and help me understand that you are with me."
Anger: "Dear God, I am feeling angry. Help me to handle this anger in a way that doesn't hurt others and to find peace in my heart."
Fear: "God, I am scared. Please give me courage and remind me that you always protect me."
Peace: "God, Thank you for this calm. Help me to spread peace to those around me."
God wants to hear from us no matter what we feel. He cares about our feelings and listens to every prayer.
Here is a peek inside the room as Dr. Horn and Miss Gail, along with Miss Beth, Miss Shirley and Miss Betsy lead us in the lesson!
Hi girls!
In worship! Thanks Tristen for serving!
The Lord's Supper
Thank you David and Drake and Julie for the amazing gift you bring!
Thanks to our praise team for leading us in music!
Hi from Miss Alice, my momma and daddy and of course Bentley Gray! We had a wonderful time celebrating the 4th of July!
Bentley found a horseshoe crab shell!
Here is a little Jesus on the boat with us! :)
Oh summertime! So relaxing! Miss Alice looks forward to hearing all about your adventures!!
Happy Birthday America!
Cool thing I saw! A prayer wall.
I think I may create this for us!!
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